The Best Aero Glass Replacement Apps for Windows Vista and Windows 7

Aero glass is a part of Windows feature which you can find in Windows Vista Home Premium - Ultimate and Windows 7 Home Premium - Ultimate.

Today, we are going to share some of our stuffs for some "Aero Addicted" people that really wants some aero sensation on their Windows default apps like CMD, Calculator, and Media Player.

So if you want some Aero sensation for your Windows default apps, you can try some of the stuffs that we have shared in the past!

1. AeroCMD

AeroCMD is an Aero glass version of Windows Command Prompt. You can download it by reading the following topic.

AeroCMD : An Alternative Command Prompt With Aero Glass Effects

2. Aero Claculator

Aero Calculator is the Aero glass version of Windows Calculator. You can download it by reading the following topic.

Aero Calculator : Get an Alternative Calculator with Aero Glass Effects

3. Aero Media Player

Aero Media Player is an excellent aero media player created for Aero Addicted people. This media player supports Windows XP, Vista, and 7.

If you want to have it, read the following topic.

Aero Media Player : Free Media Player with Glasss Effect for Windows Vista and Windows 7

That is all for now. If you have any other apps with aero glass effects that we can use to replace the default applications in Windows Vista and 7, please let us know.


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