Logon Personalization 3.0 Under Development

On previous posts submitted IT Geek 2011, we have shared a great freeware that was created by us called Logon Personalization. Logon Personalization has been downloaded more than 10K times on the DeviantART page, and almost ever user of DA that downloaded that tool says that Logon Personalization is the best login screen tweak tool for Windows 7 that they ever had.
After creating and submitting Logon Personalization on this blog and the DeviantART page, the IT Geek 2011 site programmer and site admin, Yudhistira Vidhiatama says that creating only one perfect login screen tweak tool for Windows 7 users is not enough, because he feels that users are still needing the best feature for their Windows 7.
The programmer's status today (this post date) is on his school's summer vacation for 2 weeks. So, we all hope that the programmer can have time getting new resources to build the updated version of Logon Personalization, with new GUI and features! The new version of Logon Personalization will be updated to Logon Personalization 3.0.You can see the program's new GUI from the Easy Login Screen Changer program.

The programmer says that Logon Personalization 3.0 will feature:

- Change background login screen image on Windows 7
- Change the login screen windows branding image
- Change the style of the login screen
- And more!

This program will work on 32 Bit and 64 Bit versions of Windows 7!

Want to help or support the Logon Personalization 3.0 project? Contact me via Windows Live as fast as possible, so your ideas can be submitted on this software, and you will be credited once this software is released!

Send me an email with these words on the subject line "Logon Personalization 3.0 Support - Your Name" (e.g. Logon Personalization 3.0 Support - Zacky Smith")


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