[Fix] No Delete Confirmation Dialog is Showing if We Delete a File in Windows 8
On previous versions of Windows like Windows Vista and Windows 7, if we want to delete a file using the DEL hotkey, we will be prompt with a delete confirmation dialog that says do we want to delete the selected file or not.
But if you delete a file using the DEL hotkey in Windows 8, no confirmation dialog will show and your files will be moved to the Recycle Bin.
If we face this problem every time, this will waste our time at work because we need to go to the Recycle Bin and restore the files that are not deleted on purpose.
So what can we do to make this problem gone? The answer is simple!
All you need to do is go to your desktop, and do a right click on the Recycle Bin icon.
Now, click on Properties, and do a check mark on the Display Delete Confirmation Dailog.
Close the window, and try to press DEL on a file. Now you can see that a confirmation dialog is showing. In that way, you will now see that you have just accidentally pressed the DEL key.
Hope this tip helps you!
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